Monday, November 30, 2009
Hungry Tigers Unleashed...
I think that to deny existence of our most inner terrible, demented, fucked-up thoughts is a poison. We poison ourselves everyday. If we can acknowledge to ourselves that these thoughts, no matter how embarrassing they are, we have a real chance of confronting them. A real chance for introspection and maybe a resolve. To finally let go some of these mental tigers, let them run free and take their place in the nature of ourselves. There, they might die, or make new cubs. In any answer.
To know oneself is to acknowledge every dark thought and as well as our shiny-sparkly-bright ones. I say let it begin! Maybe we'll find out we are not the person we thought we were, maybe we'll find out we're exactly the person we thought we were, more surely a little of both...and that's okay. The sooner we get real with ourselves, the sooner we can fix, heal, and embrace within.
I don't know about you, but my tigers are foaming-frenzy-famished-tigers. Only time will tell if I shoot them or let them live..."Born free! As free as the wind blows! As free as the grass grows! Born free to follow your heart!"
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
I'm a Lousy God...
Friday, October 30, 2009
Talking With My Inner Dialog...
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
I'm Not Talking Truth, But Crazy Truth!
In this sense we are creators of our when we dream. Ever read "The Circular Ruins" by Jorge Luis Borges? It's a short read, you should take a gander. He was heavily influenced by Miguel de know the author of "Don Quixote". Another proponent of the alternate reality of crazy truth.
The question is...should the crazy truth be encouraged? Are we just fooling ourselves? And if we are, is it a bad thing? I like to claim myself as a realist most of the time, except in my flights-of-fancy-creative-whack-out-moments. I do this, because a lot of the time it is helpful. Though I must confess, being a 100% realist is too much of an observist point of view and not taking an active role in defining our lives, but simply pacifying. There is something to being a "leaf in the wind", accepting the lack of control we have in our lives, but to murk up the waters further, I believe we need to take an active role in our acceptance. That is to say, it is a team effort. We are holding hands with fate, free will, truth, and crazy truth. Did y'all need to take a break and smoke some of that awesome medical marijuana before continuing to read this blog? On a side note, blogs are so damn one-sided. I'm sure many of you would have some highly emotional discourse on this. I'm sure we could figure out the universe and how to save the world in a few hours if it was late enough and we all have our favorite libation and munchy food at our sides.
I prefer a really good whiskey or magically laced brownie/cookie items, along with some kind of protein/dairy/fat/caffeinated/chocolaty/sugar goodness and lain into some comfy contraption that points me towards the heavens. We'll continue this and meet up around 3 a.m. okay?
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Swing and a Miss! Or Vacuum Cleaners Unite! Or Ignore Him It Was The Cheerleaders
You think Reggie Jackson ever struck out? Hell yea he did. All the great hitters have. All the great artists, philosophers, do-gooders, world-shakers, world-changers have struck out. They got those hits by swinging and being unafraid to miss. Missing is as important as hitting. Maybe more, because you can learn a lot from a failure, and almost learn nothing from a success. So go out there and dare to suck! I've been sucking for years and plan to continue sucking until I can't suck no more. Get your head out of the gutter! Granted I have a huge deficit in my moral fiber, but you know what I'm laying down, so pick it up and start swinging!
You hear that?'s not a large vortex making a large sucking's the universe cheering.
Hmmmm...I'm way too positive today. I think it was the baton twirling scene from "A Face In the Crowd" I saw got my juices flowing...
Friday, October 16, 2009
Digging In the Dirt...
Opposites. Diametrically opposed forces...and I'll agree with both. Take for instance the ideas of Ayn Rand and the idea of the individual, the creator...and conversely the idea of "to be of service" to others. I feel that I must be both at the same time. Maybe I just have a propensity for all encompassing mind-fucks. *laughing*
Maybe to better be of service to others you gotta get your own stuff worked out first. Hmmm...not first. That would mean we'd never do anything for others for 50 years or we walk into the desert for 40 days alone. We can do it whilst we're still under-construction. I have a lot more construction needed. A week in the stockade won't help me. "Yes...I did it. I touched your woo-woo..." We all have woo-woo's...and they all must be touched. We gotta eat, breath, squint when it's too bright. I am fucking with you. Really...I'm not. I'm both! This is the point.
I'm digging in my dirt and when that happens I might find almost anything. This isn't the usual nothing. There's nothing and then there's nothing and this isn't nothing because it is nothing! Damn it! I did it again! This is evidence for my banishment proceedings. Banish me. I've been bad...I will continue being bad and will continue being good and trying not to be a selfish asshole in this whoreld...this world.
I'm not gonna hit delete. Delete is for pussies.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Down the Rabbit Hole...
Saturday, October 3, 2009
You Are In My Movie...
Friday, October 2, 2009
Furry Friends and Walmart...
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
My Magic 8-Ball and the Chaos Theory...
- ● As I see it, yes
- ● It is certain
- ● It is decidedly so
- ● Most likely
- ● Outlook good
- ● Signs point to yes
- ● Without a doubt
- ● Yes
- ● Yes - definitely
- ● You may rely on it
- ● Reply hazy, try again
- ● Ask again later
- ● Better not tell you now
- ● Cannot predict now
- ● Concentrate and ask again
- ● Don't count on it
- ● My reply is no
- ● My sources say no
- ● Outlook not so good
- ● Very doubtful
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Hot and Sweaty Bars...
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Once Upon A Time...
One day he came upon a sword. A sword with seven deadly edges. It was so sharp he accidentally cut himself just picking it up. "Damn" he thought..."One could do quite a lot with this sword..." Yes Hunter, you could do quite a lot. And he did. He slain many a beast and monster...almost a maiden or two, but good fortune and quick thinking on both their parts saved unnecessarily injure and harm. It can be tough in the Black Forest, and lonely too. Sure, the elves are fun, but they get on your nerves after a while. The occasional old witch would knock on the door, but he'd just pretend to be not home. If that didn't work then it's just off with her head. That's how it is in Fairy Tales. Lots of violence with seldom meaning or moral. Most everybody here in this forest are just crazy. Good crazies, bad crazies, and pure and simple delusional crazies. All crazy because that is the price to admission to be in this forest. The normal people live in the village and the way-beyond-lunies live in the castle.
Every once in a while some giant or dark wizard will come into the land and everyone would band together to vanquish their mortal enemy...but that rarely happens, so everyone just bickers between themselves and gossip about who's doing who and who said what. Aaahhh...just stuff to pass the time away.
The princess was found convorting with the hunter and the whole Kingdom was out talking about it at all the wells, written on walls and whispered at the fences. The heralds would tell and retell the stories so much that the stories grew into stories of other stories. That's where fairy tales came from, and this one too. Complete and utter bullshit because we're just kinda bored...
To be continued on another quiet and mischievous night...There will be XXX fairies, violent ogre blood baths, magic, and comedy from the village
Sent from the Black Forest.